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Thought Provoking Keynote Speaker

Darius A. Wise - Thought Provoker

Let's Inspire the Thinker

in You

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"Impossible is a matter of BELIEF, not a matter of FACT"

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3 Things that Control Your Life

Where you are in life is a result of three things - Mindset, Skillset and Environment. How you control and foster those three things will have a direct correlation to the quality of life you live.  To advance and evolve in life you need active and intentional growth in each of these areas.  


There is a connection between your Mindset, Skillset, and Environment.  My mission is help you understand this connection and also develop the ability to grow in each area.  Everything we do, have and believe is tied to one of these three things.







Understanding your minds current programming and the necessary re-programming needed to achieve what you desire out of life.

The abilities and expertise needed to accomplish the physical and mental task associated with your goal that extends beyond talent.

Everything outside of yourself that has an influence on your thoughts, decisions and actions.


Darius A. Wise

Thought Provoker

By the age of 25, Darius Wise had been arrested twice, was drowning in debt, and fathered a son while in a relationship with no future. Raised in a two-parent, upper middle class home that was rooted in fundamental moral values anchored by religious belief, he never imagined his life would be mired by situations like these. With positive intervention and introspection, less than a decade later, his life underwent a 180-degree turn. Humbled by the experience, he realized the importance of reaching out and redirecting adults as well as today’s youth—and not only those identified as at-risk—to divert them away from pathways that lead to despair. He encourages everyone that he is in contact with to dream, explore and embrace their journey while simultaneously understanding the correlation between thoughts and actions. 


During his twenties, Darius admits that he didn’t fully understand that correlation. He simply made assumptions about what his life would be based on his upbringing. His hard-working parents provided a comfortable existence for their two children. The Wise’s planned, saved and prepared for their college educations. And similar to most parents, they imagined a level of success for those children that superseded their own. So at 25, Darius questioned why his life was plunging in the opposite direction?


He readily shares how poor decisions, immaturity and thinking charm and empty words would be the salve for every rough spot he encountered were the culprit. Thankfully, none of these derailed his one must-do mission—graduating from college. However, graduating was not the launching pad for Darius’ success.

The wake up call came a few years later in the form of a mentor who challenged his short sighted thinking and introduced Darius to the benefits of achieving emotional and financial wealth. Empowered with a purpose, he began to discover books that explored how our thoughts and beliefs determine our actions and, in turn, impact our results. In a span of approximately three years, he eliminated his debt and launched a few unsuccessful businesses but he was not derailed from his quest for financial wealth.


But most importantly, his emotional wealth had grown exponentially and because of this his behaviors and actions had changed. The sum of Darius’ experience, realizations and transformations inspired him to help others reach their full potential. He set his sights on becoming a motivational speaker—studying the teachings of many dynamic orators and, eventually, joined their ranks.


Today, this husband and father of four has over 25 years of teaching experience in adult education where he has trained employees from local and federal government agencies and private sector in addition to inspiring entrepreneurs. Darius holds a Master Facilitator certification from The Association of Talent Development (ATD), is a Microsoft-Certified professional and a Jack Canfield Certified Trainer.  He was an invited keynote speaker for the Maryland public school system and the Johns Hopkins women’s basketball team. Recently, he was the recipient of the “Outstanding Presentation and Keynote” certificate from the National Capitol area Kiwanis Club.


Hundreds of listeners tune in every Saturday morning to hear Darius’ weekly Blog Talk Radio show “#WiseWordsWithDarius,” where he offers thought-provoking insights and success principles that provide practical life skills for making sound day-to-day decisions and achieving dreams. He believes and teaches others that understanding why we make the decisions we make is key to reducing our missteps and regrets.

Darius is also the founder and CEO of WiseDecisions, LLC, an organization committed to preparing young adults to focus on the mindset necessary to face life’s challenges. The mission is to teach them how to take control of their phenomenal brain and consciously use it every day to achieve their life goals. Whether providing access to people, professional opportunities, funding sources or technological tools, WiseDecisions helps today’s youth prepare their minds to meet life’s challenges and win. Darius hosts events that foster opportunities to get young people involved in their communities, career exploration and entrepreneurship. He hopes these activities will encourage them to become conscious thinkers capable of proving whatever they believe is true.


Darius is a proud graduate of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University - “Aggie Pride” and holds a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Industrial Technology.

Anchor 3

#WiseWords with Darius

Anchor 4
Darius A. Wise

Thought Provoker

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